Registration Guideline SAT-2025 (User Manual) Tentative Guidelines & Dates for Shilpamandira Admission Test(SAT) - 2025 Prospectus - 2025
    SAT-2025 Registration

It was in 1954 that Ramakrishna Mission Shilpamandira came into existence as a Polytechnic offering 3 Yr. Diploma in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and our Alumni is well placed all over the country and abroad.
In tune with the changing times the Mission decided to convert the Institute from a government of West Bengal sponsored Polytechnic to a private one from the July 2007-08 session. We also added a new Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. in 2007. During the last decade many Engineering Colleges have started in West Bengal competing with the Polytechnic students in the job market. Also the Industry Business Commerce have changed substantially due to competition introduced by Globalization, Liberalization, Privatization and Modernization. We have to make Polytechnic education much more quality conscious, which will be accomplished by us in the new private system with more freedom.
A Technician as the Polytechnic pass student is called has unique place in today’s economy of knowledge workers. Capable hands with a thinking head, multi skilled professional able to work in a team is the job description. Self or wage employment is readily available in all the functional areas like production, quality control, installation, maintenance, servicing, marketing etc. However, there is a talent crunch creating bottlenecks in growth, and we need solutions.
Industry expects a lot from a student of Ramakrishna Mission. They want young men with technical competencies, communication abilities, problem solving attitude, thorough theoretical knowledge and an overall pleasing personality, strong yet flexible, competent yet constantly learning, whole-heartedly involved in local work yet knowledgeable of global developments.
In our new environment with the help of our modernized workshops, dedicated faculty, huge infrastructure and blessings of Sri Ramakrishna we will certainly be successful in fulfilling the vision of Swami Vivekananda of a vibrant comprehensive Technical Institute answering the demands of the Industry and aspirations of thousands of young men ready to take up new challenges of prosperity in a fast changing world.
We look forward to an inspiring interaction with all the stake holders in the field.

Swami Gunakarananda
Ramakrishna Mission Shilpamandira
An AICTE Approved Self-Financed Polytechnic
Projects: Computer Centre & Community Training Centre
Belur Math
01 January 2025